Sunday, January 30, 2011

falls an eagle...

The Spanish army arrayed itself outside the gates of Abdera. The ocean waves lapped gently on the nearby shore. Breezes played over the hills and through the olive and oak groves nearby. The Spaniards tightened helmet straps, hefted shields, gave a last wipe of the sharpening stone to their javelin points.

Beyond the hills, beyond the woods, the Carthaginian army filed into its formations. The general's speech had been short and to the point. They should put these Spanish to the sword so that they could end the war and return home heroes. Their army was larger, had more cavalry and a proper phalanx, even mercenary tribal warriors. Word was that the Gauls were on their way to support them. "But let's get it done today--win the loot and glory for yourselves, instead of leaving it to barbarians to collect!" the general urged them.

The Numidians were first off the mark. Galloping away from the African lines, they started to wheel towards the Spanish left flank, hoping to race up to the gates of the city ([in game terms, not a BUA but the Spanish camp]). But volley after volley of missiles (darts and javelins, but also rocks, stones, and boulders) from the Spanish auxillia sitting atop the nearby hill caused some of the horsemen to turn away. Before they could be called back, they had surge toward the hill, only to be caught unawares in ambush by the Spanish hillmen and slaughtered (Carth LH hit in flank by Ax on steep hill, turn out of line to face, forced to recoil into 2nd LH at 90* angle, killed: 1-0 Spain). Their fellows, barely taking int he sudden rout of their comrades, suddenly faced an onrushing horde of Spanish horsemen, screaming and shouting, while the foot to their flank rushed on them with bloody swords (Carth LH hit front by Sp LH(G) and flank by Sp Ax, recoiled, dead; 2-0 Spain).

The Carthaginian general was not too concerned with his right wing. There was no way that his phalanx would be able to grind up the hill in the face of Spanish light troops, and he had issued strict instructions to the Numidians to avoid contact and threaten the enemy flank. He had bigger fish to fry, as he led the noble cavalry of Carthage towards the flat, open ground on the Spanish right, his warband mercenaries trailing behind.

And right on cue, here came the Gauls! They dashed forward onto the line of Spanish swordsmen that had been trying to lure the Punic cavalry towards the wood. A rapidly moving battle ensued, with Gallic horsemen and Iberian light foot advancing and retreating by rushes. "Let them wear out the enemy," thought the Carthaginian general [designated by one of the players as "Mr Sparklypants" for what reason I wasn't entirely clear...] The Spanish lost an element of Ax to the Gauls, but then trapped and skewered a squadron of Gallic horse (3-1 Spain). Finally, after a see-saw engagement, the Gallic commander slew the Spaniards' leader in single combat (3-2G--Spanish keep fighting as they still have fewer losses than the allies).

But what was this? While all the fighting had been going on at the Spanish right flank, their left had been inflitrated. A band of renegade mercenary Spanish caetrati and scutari under Punic command had managed to circle around and force (or perhaps bribe?) their way through the Spanish gates (Ax+Ps beat campfollowers and occupy camp: 3-2CG--Spanish break). Their last stronghold overthrown, their general dead, the Spanish army disintegrated, fleeing for what safety they could find in their barren hills, while the streets of Abdera ran riot with foreign looters!

Gaul lost one element and slew two, so 1 PP for casualties, plus 2 PP for killing General Hispania.

Carthage lost two elements and slew none, so gets no PP for casualties, but does get 2PP for capturing the Spanish camp.

Spain killed three enemies and lost two, so they get 1PP.

Spain retains Abdera and becomes a tributary of Carthage. They lose an additional 4 elements for losing both their camp and general in the same battle.

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