Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring 210

There being an apparent cessation of diplomacy, we will begin 210!

Over the winter, Syracuse seems to have been the busy place to be! Emissaries from Gaul spent a great deal of time closeted with the tyrant, with the eventual conclusion that a treaty of peace and amity between Gaul and Syracuse has been announced!

Meantime, though no Bruttian emissaries were detected in the Sicilian capital, nonetheless, there is diplomatic news for Syracuse's Grecian neighbors. The Grand Panjandrum of Magna Graecia woke up one morning to find a severed horse's head in his bed (thus putting to rest some of the stories that had been going around about sheep...) War is declared, and Syracusan officers have been seen in all the markets of southern Italy, buying up all the mattresses and tinned tomato sauce they could lay their hands on.

Rome, feeling a bit neglected in their diplomatic backwater, rebuilt their mounted arm and recruited more men to the triarii. Spain trained more scutarii.

Consulting the augurs of, we find that the first player to act in the turns of 210 is...Carthage!

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